The Occupation of the American Mind Movie Review



Over the past few years, Israel'due south ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip take triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world -- except the Usa. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening wait at this disquisitional exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S.

Narrated past Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-State of israel lobby accept joined forces, oftentimes with very dissimilar motives, to shape American media coverage of the disharmonize in Israel's favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of State of israel's decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and taxation dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly correct-wing policies.

Featuring Roger Waters, Amira Hass, One thousand.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart, and Sut Jhally.

Duration: Full: 84 min
ISBN: 1-932869-92-1
Date Produced: 2016
Subtitles: English language

Discussion Guide

Filmmaker Info
A Media Pedagogy Foundation Production.
Executive Producer: Sut Jhally
Writer, Producer & Director: Loretta Alper & Jeremy Earp
Editor: Jason Young & Jeremy Earp
Co-Producer: Jason Immature
Associate Producer: George Matta

7-24-hour interval Streaming Rental ($50):

FIPA 2016 - Biarritz, French republic
Festival des Libertés 2016 - Belgium
Boston Palestine Film Festival 2016
Toronto Palestinian Motion-picture show Festival 2016

"Harrowing and incendiary! A vital and unmissable pic."
- Dave Zirin | The Nation mag

"Astonishing! Brilliantly exposes how American media is an active partner in the ugly and illegal occupation of Palestine. By promoting inaccurate narratives of self-defense and disguising the truthful stakes of the crisis, the Land of State of israel is able to garner sympathy and solidarity at a moment where it deserves outrage and critique. This is a must-watch documentary for anyone interested in agreement the truth of the Occupation and the failures of Western journalism."
- Marc Lamont Loma | CNN political analyst and host of HuffPost Live

"I wish every American would spotter this powerful documentary. Not only every person of censor, but every taxpayer, must encounter information technology -- and and so ask themselves if the status quo is adequate and can keep deep into the 21st century."
- Gideon Levy | Columnist for Haaretz

"The Occupation of the American Mind is ane of the well-nigh brilliant and important documentaries I have e'er seen. If y'all're a university librarian or faculty member who cares virtually open up debate and complimentary inquiry on American college campuses, you absolutely take to make sure this movie is in your schoolhouse's drove. It'southward mandatory viewing for students who want to sympathize how powerful interests manipulate the news and politics in a 'complimentary' club. It will change the style they empathize the earth."
- Robert W. McChesney | Professor of Communication, Academy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Co-author, People Get Ready: The Fight Confronting a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Republic

"1 of the most compelling and important documentaries in recent years, because it helps us brand sense of the lies, mayhem, and injustice in the heart of the Middle East: Palestine. Never has propaganda, or 'public relations', been such a lethal weapon as it is in the hands of Israel, its apologists, and manipulators. To attain behind the facade that is 'news', watch this film."
- John Pilger | Journalist and filmmaker

"This is a film that demands to be seen. It shows, with devastating precision, how effective propaganda can hibernate crimes that are epic in calibration and take catastrophic consequences. Please run into this film, hire it, screen it, talk about it."
- Ken Loach | Television and Film Manager

"A stunning exposé on how propaganda drives public opinion and, in plough, our understanding of reality. Hither's the story of how American perceptions of the Middle E -- as well equally resulting legislation and military strategy -- are engineered: from focus grouping to talking points to mortar fire."
- Douglas Rushkoff | Professor of Media Theory, CUNY | Media Commentator for CNN

"A great slice of work. Not only lays out the case for mainstream media malfeasance but also provides a clear and curtailed explanation of the history and gimmicky politics behind the Israeli occupation of Palestine."
- Robert Jensen | School of Journalism, Academy of Texas at Austin | Author of Arguing for Our Lives: A User's Guide to Constructive Dialog

"This hard-hitting, fact-based documentary is a must-run into for anyone who wants to understand the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and its distorted coverage in the corporate media -- and how the American public has been systematically lied to over again and again. An indispensable resource for both the novice and the adept."
- Deepa Kumar | Acquaintance Professor of Media Studies, Rutgers University

"Every bit courageous as information technology is informative, brilliantly produced and true-blue to its search for the truth, The Occupation of the American Mind makes clear how the electric current right-wing government in Israel has weaponized cognition, eviscerated a range of critical interpretations, and obliterated the voices of reason in the interest of controlling the media and public relations apparatuses in the Us. Everyone should sentry this film, debate its assumptions, and exam its insights against the issue of what education and public relations should look like in a democracy."
- Henry Giroux | Professor of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University

"Every American needs to watch this motion-picture show in order to understand how the culture industries and the political pundits take shaped a ane-sided narrative of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and erased the basic human dignity of the Palestinians from the American media landscape. The Occupation of the American Listen seeks to restore that nobility for American viewers. It is an essential motion-picture show."
- Vijay Prashad | Editor of Letters to Palestine: Writers Respond to War and Occupation | Professor of International Studies, Trinity College

"Compelling, revealing, and chilling. Non just demonstrates how hasbara -- Israeli propaganda -- became American common sense, just information technology offers ane of the best accounts of Israel's violent dispossession and occupation of Palestinian lands. For over half a century, Americans drank the Kool-Aid concocted by the Israel lobby, the U.S. media, and well-nigh all elected officials considering there were no alternatives. This film -- like the movements that inspired it -- is the antidote."
- Robin D. G. Kelley | Writer of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination | Professor of American History at UCLA

"This terrific and memorable flick comes at only the correct time, when the lockstep mentality that promotes Zionist sympathies in the U.S. is eroding fast. The Occupation of the American Listen lays bare the fictions that underpinned this mentality for so long, and shows u.s. why these fabrications are now being challenged and so confidently."
- Andrew Ross | Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University

"A cutting, carefully argued expose of the decades-long campaign of State of israel and its defenders to deceive the U.S. public about the historical roots and present realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict... The film also offers a measured analysis of the function of the pro-Israel anteroom in forming U.S. Middle Eastward policy and the complicity of the United States in the perpetuation of the conflict. Allow's promise the filmmakers are right that the tide of public opinion is turning in favor of equal rights for all and that U.S. policy volition eventually be forced to follow adapt."
- Chris Toensing | Executive Director and Editor, Middle East Report

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